About two weeks ago I developed a nasty dry cough after lighting a combustion fire using cardboard boxes and tongue and groove flooring. The cough was dry initially and had a burning sensation. A few days later I began coughing up phlegm dark green. Then I developed sneezing and cold like symptoms. Suddenly I developed a toothache on my left upper jaw. Went to dentists who said tooth was cracked and I decided to have tooth extracted. Since the extraction my left nostril is constantly blocked, and runs. I blow my nose and not much leaves, however, there is a foul smell in my nose very disgusting. Have seen two doctors who say it's viral and to rest, however, it's been nearly 3 weeks since the cough began and it's not going away. Sometimes the cough is wet and sometimes dry. In addition to this I have Rhuematoid Arthritis and take 20mg of Methtraxate per week, 5mg Folic Acid, 20mg Somac and 1000mg Naprosyn. All professional advice appreciated.