Thanks for posting this query in HCM
Let me tell you that a given medical problem can be due to various causes and the main objective is to establish the diagnosis. Headache can be due to various causes like
brain tumor, infection, problems in the blood vessels of the brain, migraine,
cluster headache and so on.
I am sorry that you have not provided the details of headache and associated symptoms which would have helped me to tell you if you have migraine or not. Please note that the diagnosis of migraine is established only after ruling out secondary causes as I have described above.
If it is migraine, the following steps will help you
1. Acute attack of migraine: the acute attack of migraine can be managed with simple analgesics like crocin,
sumatriptan tablets/
nasal spray etc. You have to identify the precipitating factor for migraine like stress, lack of sleep, exchange of food habits, any perfumes, coffee, chocolate etc. Note that all these factors can provoke an attack of migraine and you have to learn to avoid them. This can help you a lot
2. during the chronic phase: I mean the days when you don’t have headache: you may benefit with one of the medicines:
topiramate, amitriptiline,
propranolol, etc. You have to use it for 3-6 months depending upon the response and you will be guided by a local neurologist
Regarding Botox there is no definite evidence that it will help you. You try one of the medicines that I have listed above and then see and be in touch with a local neurologist who will help you time to time
Note that migraine will be very difficult to eradicate immediately. If you follow all the above steps the frequency and severity will come down. Further it will come down with age.
Hope this helps