Thanks for your query and an elucidate history.
The appearance, history and place of
pilonidal sinus is classical , hence the diagnosis must be certain.
General Surgeon is well specialized into operating this.
It would be better on your part to discuss with him the following issues. The choice of surgery certainly based solely upon His teaching and experiences.
One type is where the tract is only laid open , allowed to heal by secondary intention ( as we call it) . This is because the natural healing process will not allow the recurrence.
Another type is that the whole tract is excised and the would is primarily closed with intention of early healing so that the working days are not lost, there is early recovery and the chance to go on the dressings for a long time till it heals id reduced.
Both are good ways and depend upon the choice of the surgeon.
Yes , there is notified chance of a recurrence. This is a well known fact in our text-books and practice too.
But this does not deter one to get operated. Have good diet, add multivitamins and
proteins for a great recovery.