Hello and welcome to HCM,
Inorder to treat your problem, first the cause has to be found out.
What is your age and sex.
Burning of face is seen in post-menopausal females.
It is quite possible that you are decribing the hot flushes as rash on face.
This is due to fall in
estrogen levels in blood.
Lack of estrogens causes hot flushes, palpitations, anxiety and
This is just one of the possibility.
Headache too has many causes.
It could be due to stress,
refraction errors,
cluster headache type, etc.
Nausea can accompany headache in cases of migraine.
However, for exact diagnosis you need to consult your doctor for clinical examination and relevant investigations.
Management can only be planned once correct diagnosis is made.
Thanks and take care
Dr Shailja P Wahal