I have had a fever of 101 to 105.3 for more than 8 days. 7 days ago I went to urgent care with a temp of over 105. I have been alternating advil and tylenol since the first day to try to keep it under control. It has gone down to a normal temp 4 or 5 times with medication only. Even with 3 - 4 advil and 2 tylenol (3 hours after the advil) the temp doesn t usually go below 99 +. Urgent care said it was probably viral and could last up to 4 days. Today is exactly one week since I went in. My throat hurts, I am sore all over, I am dizzy, I feel really weak, my voice is super soft. I have a Dr. appointment Friday, but I am supposed to go to work, and I am trying to go to college and have been unable to do my work because I am so sick. What do I do? I have some doxycycline from an old prescription (about 1 year old). Should I take it? I can t continue like this.