hi , i want to inquire my case, my first day of my last mense was October 5 Until now i dont have my period, i ll try to have urine test for oregnancy, it is negative. last nov. 30 i went to my gynea, then she so ultrasound and vaginal test to me. but she said no pregnancy so she just prescribed me medecine dhupaston 10mg to take for 5 days 3 x a day , i started the med sunday dec 2,2012 then i stop dec 7, 2012. after that i went back to my doctor, she said after 5 days my mense will come. we will see! I am wondering am i not pregnant? as i feel some symptoms of pregnant. like always sleepy, always hungry, my breast become bit bigger, and its heavy, and also my left legs sometimes it felt like fatigue , etc.