Thanks for posting your query.
According to what you have said you have been having sexual intercourse for 6 months and your wife has not conceived yet.
It would be helpful to know your age and your wife's.
Also it is important to know if her periods are regular.
Have you been diagnosed or treated for any problems like
hydrocele etc?
If there are no other health issues and your wife has regular periods and if both of you are below 30 years of age, I would suggest that you can try for another 6 months before seeking
medical help.
Try to calculate the fertile period and have sexual intercourse at that time. If your wife has 28-30 day cycles, the fertile period would be from around the 12th to 16th days.
In case you wish to get investigated it would be advisable for you to have a
semen analysis first as this is cheaper and non-invasive. Any deficiencies can then be treated.
If the semen analysis is normal then your wife would probably have to be seen by a gynecologist who will examine her and do further tests like
ultrasound, hormone assessments etc.