have non protruding lump, size of a pickle on buttock. Unbearable headache, nausea, pale, chills, fainting, blurred vision. Believe it ruptured, now area very warm feeling, feels wet, red lines, bruising size of lemon. Felt lump 3 days ago, came on fast. Had previously felt warm spots there past 6 months. Thank you Christine, YYYY@YYYY . Also I have pics of day 1 thru 3 (today). I am 47 years old, female, weight 125, 5'3". Have ulcerative colitis, IBS, spastic colon, degenerated disk in neck, and three in back. Osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, anorexia, colonoscopy 2 years ago proved 2 cyst. One pre cancerous. Several melanoma growths removed last 5 years. Complete hysterectomy 15 years ago. I do not take any medications, or over the counter drugs. Thank you.