Hi, I am 40 F. My hormon levels are all found normal ( FSH =5). I have had two failed IVFs (both Antagonist protocol). I responded fairly well with stimulation. Produced 8-12 embriors/ cycle, ~8 fertilized, 4 good quality embrios transferred, but implantation did not occure. I am currently with another doctor and under IVF stimulation phase. This time with Long Lupron Protocol. In between I had to undergo laporoscopy (with a diagnosis of endometriosis. there was no cyst found though, but had severe adhesion issue). The questions I have (1) Given my age, do you think long lupron protocal is appropriate (2) Along with Lupron (20 micron) & HMG (450 mg) injections, I am taking Dexa and Aspirin tablets daily: do you think these look ok? (3) What are my chances of success this time? Appreciate your feedback.