Hello Amardheer.
Good to know that you are conscious about your health. Yes, you do not have
diabetes but you have something known as
impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). This is the best time you can change the direction of your sugars. If you do not take care of your diet, weight, exercise at this stage then it will go in forward direction towards overt diabetes and if you take care of these components of your life with
stress management then you can either totally avoid getting diabetes or at least prevent frank diabetes for maximum of 20 to 25 years!
In general, in diet avoid sugars- anything that contains sugar, jaggery, honey, fruit concentrates. Avoid high fat items like any fried item, cheese, butter, ghee, bakery items where the fat is hidden. Make sure the vegetable and dal or non-veg preparation is done with minimum oil/ ghee possible. Use less salt. Eat fresh fruits but no fruit juices. Keep a diary of your diet. If you are
overweight, then make sure you right away reduce your total food consumption by 25 to 30% in first place and then you start exercising for 40-45 minutes/day. You must sweat and feel that your heartbeats have gone up by that exercise, then it works best. Plus manage your stresses. These general guidelines will help you prevent frank diabetes for many years. I hope this helps you. Take care and wish you all the best.