I good day, my name is dania, and i am having a problem, i am seeing breast milk and i am not pregnant, i was pregnant in 2011 and loss the baby january 2012, at 4months, i was told a month and half ago that i had high blood pressure, i was given resilo two weeks after i was given narvasc because my pressure was still high, i started having blurry vision, tiredness and severe short of breath, that cause me to faint constantly, was did a ecg it was normal, they took blood by prolactin was 122 and they also found by blood count is 10.2, i would have a weak feeling than i fall even if am near somewhere to hold on to, i cant help it, and i cant remember if someone told tell me, but i know when am falling, the doctor at the hospital told be to go back to the resilo 50mg and gave me iron tablet, order for an ultra sound and a ct scan, the ultra sound shows little cyst on the left ovary but the scan will be done on the 30th of May. i was still having the serve short of breath, and getting really angry at the simplest thing and i went back to by my doctor and was given xanax and carmetic 5mg and that cause the shortness of breath to go away, i have a feeling that am being wrongly diagnose please am seeking any advise i can get