okay here goes. Post-menopausal, 53 y/o 300lb woman. Previous history of bilateral oopherectomy (hence post-meno, at at 37) and both tubes removed: endometriosis. HRT for 5 years, then stopped due to inability to regulate bleeding. several endo biopsies and hysteroscopies in the past all negative; HPV test neg, All prev PAP neg. 1 benign polyp removed in 2008, bleeding stopped for about 3 years. para 3, gravida 1. current situation. ENDOMETRIAL BIOPSY results are ENDOMETRIAL INTRAEPITHELIAL NEOPLASIA, cribriform type, arising in an ENDOMETRIAL POLYP. Fragments of hemorrhagic proliferative endometrium. The endometrial polyp is extremely hemorrhagic and contains multiple glands demonstrating atypical nuclei and internal cribriforming consistent with EIN. TVUS 2 weeks ago showed 19mm endo thickness. PAP and cervical/vaginal checkup 4 weeks ago all normal. thoughts?