Dear Ms Keith,
Thanks for posting your query on this website. I can fully appreciate your concern for your problem.
1. Recurrent swelling of tongue is suggestive of
allergy to some food( beverage / chocolate / peanuts etc..); cosmetics, shampoo, soap, detergent etc..
2. Just relax : it is NOT cancer.
3. The allergic food can be best identified by you alone. Make a chart daily, of foods taken. Avoid foods taken on the day you develop swelling of tongue.
4. Till the culprit food item/cosmetic is identified, take Tab XXXX XXXX mg twice daily.
I am confident that you will certainly benefit from the advice.
May I assure you that I am always available for your assistance and will try my best to cure your condition to the best of my experience and knowledge.
Please feel free to revert back to me in case of further clarifications, if any.
Fond Regards,
Dr.(Col) R Karanwal