I had three back surgeries within one months time last surgery March 3, 2013. Sciatica. The surgeon nicked my dura sac, he did not realize just how bad I was until he went in for the surgery. I ended up with a hematoma and had my second surgery. Then I got sepsis and had my third surgery. It has been a little over a year now and I am in a lot of pain. Back, buttock and down the leg on the right side. I did have pain in both legs before the surgery. The pain is unbearable most of the time. I saw him today and he said there is nothing I can do for you. He said the hematoma caused nerve damage. My life is pretty much nonexsistence. I also have arthritis in my back and have fibromyalgia. Just how much of this is it the doctors fault for what happened to me? I also developed ulnar neuropathy and my rotator cuffs are bad. I have tingling, numbess, pins and needles in my left hand pretty much all the time. What they cannot figure out is why I have pain from my shoulder down to my hand. They say it is not caused from my neck.