OK i dpnt know what's wrong but I love this girl,she does do a lot but a lot of the times,her traits remind me of a narcissist.she does wrong blocks me and knows she's wrong but I go all out to calm her,soot her n Show her I love her .99 percent of the time it 's her,the other one me yes I've made dramatic changes from being a ahole to literally treating her like a queen,she foes thkngs to anger me and alwayd lie.And just two days ago being her last day she told a lie ,sometimes it's like she believes her own lies or doesn't care how it affects me ,an d yet again I'm wrong and have to apologize for her lying??,she says things and does things as if I don't exist or my feelings doesn't matter but ,but when I address my feelings I'm crazy and takin it overboard -example she looks at a man while we are together n say 's" he's husband material the things I'd do to him" and giggles at me as if she didn't say anything and claims she don't remember when I address it after her doing it multiple time.Also last but not least her mood changes even when she's not mad she pretends that she is just to be mean,then really get mad n goes crazy .