Hi welcome to Health care magic forum. Your husband is of 34 years age.Suffering with obstruction of the
ascending colon, due to few small smooth polyps on the caecum. Caecum is a part of large intestine and to a side of the ascendiing colon. The stricyure would have been there since a long time , now the stricture would have increased or the pain could be some thing else.
Now probably they gave treatment for the relief of pain, now some investigations are to be done to find out the actual disease and extent of the disease like
MRI, etc along with other routine tests. if this is the only finding caecum or a part of the caecum can be removed with out any problem. If some underlying disease is found it may be treated to prevent the recurrance of the pain.
Besides i advise him some diet recommendations as ,Avoid taking spices, chillies, junk foods, and oily foods, which are prone to cause pain in normal inviduals also.
Give him more of green leafy vegetables, pulses, sprouts, egg, milk, meat, fish, other sea foods, fruits juices, and dry fruits. Wishing him a happy recovery and thanks for calling.