Hello. Nine days ago, I noticed a very odd mark on my lower left leg. It's located about an inch above Achilles' tendon and goes about two inch towards my inner side of my leg. It was circle of tiny dots, about the size of a dime, and a few deep lacerations and cuts close by. I have no idea where they came from. It wasn't itchy or bothersome. I thought maybe an insect had got ahold of me and maybe I had scratched it in my sleep. I cleaned it up and went about my day. Seven days passed and it showed no improvement nor worsening. The only thing i had noticed is that my calf muscle on that leg felt like I had hiked 20 miles. I thought best to go to the Urgent Clinic and have it looked at. They were stumped as to what it could have been. It's really odd markings. The doctor wrote me prescriptions for a cephalosporin antibiotic and a corticosteroid. That night, the area became EXTREMELY itchy. (I had not filled either of the prescriptions yet) I started taking the medicines the next day, but the itching didn't subside. Now I am on day two of my medications and the entire area has started to welt. It doesn't have pus, but my skin appears to be ripping off at the sores. I can feel thin lines running up and down from the area. I'm no doctor, but I assume that may be veins. Would you by any chance know what it could possibly be? Thank you. I do hope I have given enough specifics.