HI, I came off the pill nearly 3 months ago (brevinor) and have not had a period since,though I have had the ovulation feeling and normal discharge . My stomach feels a bit bloated, I have done a pregnancy test and am negative - what can be causing this?? Ever since my first period at 14 they have been irregular, heavy and long. I am now 34 and over the years the pain has mostly disappeared and they are not as heavy as when I was in my teens and 20 s though the ovulation has be come more uncomfortable over the years. I have been spotting through the month regularly for the past 18 months. I am 170cm, 72kgs, eat ok, drink average amounts of alcohol, dont do near enough exercise, but am pretty healthy. In the last few months I have noticed pain in my lower back on the right hand side - particularly noticeable during the night when Im in bed. Is something there that is causing a blockage? I am seeing my GP next tuesday morning but am keen to get some insight before hand. Thanks in advance for you help! kc.