Ok so I'm afraid I may be pregnant. I am well aware that the only way I can know for sure is to wait and take a home test or to visit my doctor, but if you don't mind I would really like to hear a professional's opinion and what the odds of being pregnant are for my particular situation. Details below.
I am on birth control pills, Junel Fe 1.5/30 to be exact. I was SUPPOSED to start my new pill pack on Sun. December 25, but I was unable to pick it up from the pharmacy until Tues. December 27. So I was two days late starting the pill pack. On Tues Dec 27 when I picked up my prescription, I took two pills, and then on Wed Dec 28 I took another two pills. After that, on Thurs Dec 29 I was back on track and began taking the usual one a day.
Unfortunately, I had unprotected sex around that time and my boyfriend finished inside of me. I cannot remember the exact day, but it was sometime between Tuesday, December 27 and Friday, December 30. I was a nervous wreck after that but I calmed myself down and told myself that it was probably not a big deal.
Fast forward a week later:
This past Tuesday, January 3, I noticed that I was getting cramps similar to menstrual cramps. That struck me as odd because according to my birth control pack, I was a good 11 days from even starting my placebo pills, so I know they weren't period related. I also got extremely worried because I have experienced intense cramps in past pregnancies of mine which I later realized were implantation cramps. They were so noticeable in the past that I automatically knew that something was up and I immediately knew that I was pregnant, even before I was able to get a positive test result. So back to the story, on Tuesday Jan 3 when I noticed that I had cramps it was a big red flag for me. But again, I decided to brush it off and tell myself that I was being paranoid.
I've had mild cramps on and off since Tuesday January 3.
Last but not least, yesterday evening (Friday January 6) I went to the bathroom and when I wiped I noticed a bit of pink on the toilet paper. I had somewhere to be and I was in a rush so I threw a pad on my underwear and went out. Two hours later when I got back home, I went to the bathroom and there was not one single drop of blood on the pad. There was no sign of spotting before this incident and I haven't experienced anymore spotting since. Just that one wipe. Also it was accompanied by cramps, I had cramps all day yesterday before I was spotting and I had cramps all night afterwards, I even have cramps as I'm typing this.
So please can you tell me, what you think? I'm worried because I swear that I "know" that I'm pregnant again, the same way that I just knew I was pregnant in the past.