Okay so I'm here because I'm not sure of my symptoms. This does feel like any menstraul cycle I have ever had. I use an app to see the days I am most fertile, my boyfriend and I had sex every day in my fertile week. I'd say 14 days later I started feeling mild cramps and severely tender breast. I couldn't even lay on my stomach or even on my side at times. About 5 days went by and I had brown spotting more than just a discharge. This lasted about three hours. When I used the restroom it look grainy at the bottom of the toilet. Then had nothing the rest of the day. I took a test and it came back negative. The next day I used the restroom and had a bit more cramping then the days previous. I wiped and there was bright red blood and dark brown. I used a panty liner and saw that it got a bit too heavy. I used a tampon. I have had loss of appetite I have to force myself to eat, after I feel very naseuous. Along with that the mold cramps stayed, breast still tender but now itchy at times, headaches, hot flashes, stiff neck, and thirsty all the time. No matter how much I drink two seconds later I am thirsty again. I have not had frequent urination. When I do urinate though I don't pass clots. My normal menstraul cycle I pass a large amount of clots and mucus. I filled two tampons a day after that it was very light brown,red, and orange blood? I'm very confused this is unlike any period I have ever had. I know implantation bleeding and menstraul bleeding can be the same as well as pregnancy and pms symptoms. Has anyone had the same situation? I am on day three of bleeding and it starts then stops then starts and stops but never passes anything when I urinated (which I always do when I am menstrating)