thank you for your query.
what you are experiencing are the side effects of implanon.it has run out its usage period of 3 yrs.
Women using Implanon who have higher circulating
estradiol levels and
ovarian follicle activity may be at greater risk of such abnormal patterns of bleeding.
Women using progestin contraceptives who have abnormal
uterine bleeding have elevated levels of endometrial enzymes, such as matrix metalloproteinases and
neutrophil elastase, that prevent epithelial tissue repair.hence the darker blood.
the common side effects include periods that may be early or late, shorter or longer, heavier or lighter than normal. You may also have some
spotting between periods, especially during the first several months of use.
If bleeding is prolonged (more than 8 days) or unusually heavy, contact your doctor. If you miss 2 periods in a row, contact your doctor for a pregnancy test.
thank you,
wishing you good health