Good Afternoon, I am on my third course of anti-biotics at the moment.. Augmentin . I am being treated for a UTI Infection which has believed to have caused an infection in my kidneys as well. I am extremley worried as to why all of these anti-biotics and various treatments/ urine tests/ultra-sound scans etc..has not pin pointed the problem, and that it still hasn t gone away. This has been going on for 3 months now...and I am forever running to the bathroom to wee..this goes on constantly through out the day just minutes apart. The other reason I am worried, is that on my father s side of the family, we have a history of Polcystic Kidney which my father resulted in having kidney faliure and a transplant. Can the frequent weeing, severe pain in my kidneys and blood in my urine be something related to PKD...or just a very bad infection? Thank you