Hi Gavin ,
I have read your question,
Lungs Are one of the most vital organs for survival . The respiratory system once affected leads to deterioration of other systems as well.Smoking is the best way to spoil your lungs and hence your health.
Yes , smoking is quite injurious to health . I would rather suggest you to quit smoking. Smoking or consuming nicotine is a kind of physical and physiological addiction , where our body once gets used to does not let us stop it . Smoking done at a high rate (many times) could be quite injurious to health in many ways and
depression ,nausea ,
tiredness are its
withdrawal symptoms.So i would suggest you to reduce smoking and eventually stop it for a good health.
Citalopram is an
anti depressant drug , and it should be taken under monitoring and guidance of an
medical expert . Over dosage of this drug may lead to may health issues be it from digestion to reproductive issues. Hence please make sure that the dosage has to be carefully monitored.
I recommend you to eat healthy food (thiamine rich with B complex)like Leafy vegetables,oats etc. , increase interaction with people , and practice
meditation as well.
If you experience any further issues i recommend you to consult an physician immediately.
I hope you get well Soon,
Dr.G.Gayatri Devi