Over 20 years ago, I was told after having had exploratory surgery by my gynecologist (I had endometriosis and had about 4 operations to remove the endometriosis, and also a grapefruit sized cyst in my left side ovary resulting in removal of the ovary and eventually an oopherectomy)--that I should have seen a surgeon because I had deep vein thrombosis in 2 tiny veins in my groin, about 2 mm or pea size nodules. This was discovered after having had upper groin/thigh pain in my left leg for several weeks (that pain eventually went away and I did nothing else about it. I had several operations having had an oopherectomy and hysterectomy (done vaginally) at about age 29. I am now 63. As of about one week ago, I had stretched while laying in bed (upon awakening), and I felt a severe burning and stinging (felt like lightning) in my left upper thigh, near the groin area. On a scale of one to 10, when I get the pain, ( sometimes the pain wakes me up--like NOW), I'd say the pain is a 10. But it goes away if I don't lay on my stomach or stretch, or don't get out of bed strenuously. During the day, upon standing or walking, I get the burning/stinging sypmtom (on a high scale of about 8)...but it doesn't last long. I'm aware of the pain as it feels like it's always there--and burning, but not so bad as when I am not moving or laying in bed. I'm afraid the clot is moving. I have recently had a sinus infection with coughing so bad that it gave me headaches and dizziness, and I felt like I was having a stroke or heart attack, with pain across my shoulder back side and a severe headache, which all went away after taking antibiotics. This probably had nothing to do with my groin pain, I think. I take baby aspirin every night and cholesterol medicine. I recently lost 20 lbs, but am still about 50 lbs overweight. I don't smoke or drink much at all. And I don't exersize much at all. I have a hard time walking because my legs feel tired and heavy, and I get out of breath quickly. So that's why I don't exercise. I am however, on a diet to lose weight, eating no carbs, but mostly protein and green leafy vegetables. This diet has enabled me to lose about 20 lbs over 2-3 months. My physician is monitoring my weight loss and my cholesterol has dropped about 30 points since I began this diet. That is my health history. Could this groin/upper left thigh burning pain be a blood clot which is moving??? My left upper thigh feels tender and achey when I touch it. I'm sure it is NOT a mucle pull or leg injury--because I don't do anything strenuous. Debra Burke