Over Christmas I had pain burning under left breast. It went to middle of chest and I felt it in my left shoulder blade. I eventually got nauseous and threw up. Went to clinic the next day. They did EKG and chest xray drew blood. All was ok. Cholesterol was good, thyroid good, glucose was 107 which they thought was a little high for fasting. They gave me omeprazole for 2 weeks and said follow up with primary doc. Followed up with primary doc on Jan 2. Have been on omeprazole for 31/2 weeks now after primary doc said to stay on it for 6-8 weeks. Have been feeling better, but last Thursday I worked out (ab day) and on Friday by 3:30 I was hurting in middle of abdomen. Sore abs. Chalked up to working out. Began to get nauseous around 5:30 that day. It passed. Ate dinner and then soon after began throwing up. Threw up all night. Felt some better Sunday. Monday I had a pain in upper abdomen most of the day. Hurt to walk, cough, stretch, etc. Feeling some better today but still a tinge of pain. Strained muscle possibly? Just gastritis acting up? Bad gallbladder? Frustrating