Over the last six or seven months, I am experiencing sickness that will last for about five hours with dry heaves, so sick I think that I will die and hope to at that time, discomfort in the abdomin but no severe pain, and when it starts to lesson slightly and so exhausted from running to the bathroom every ten or less minutes, I use two or three pillows to elevate my upper part of my body to try to get some rest. I experience constipation weekly but deal with it by enemas, or senokot s and go by the third or fourth day. This I have had since I was a little girl so nothing new. Have neuropathy and on a fentanyl patch, high blood pressure medicine, cholesteral medicine and one coated aspirin three or four times a day. I am 82 years old. What can cause this sickness that is starting to be weekly or every ten days. I do not have a gallbladder as of ten years ago. Sev.eral back surgeries but last one was over four years ago.
YYYY@YYYY I would have gone to a Dr. if I could afford it so sorry that I wrote this out