I got my tonsils and adenoids out 9 weeks ago. Ever since their removal, I have been having a problem with overproduction of mucus - constantly coughing it up, along with old blood. At the 4-week mark after my surgery, I went and saw my surgeon/ENT for a check-up and he said that I was experiencing slow healing because I was a smoker. After hearing that, I QUIT. Now it s 9 weeks post-op, and nothing has changed. I m still gagging on mass clumps of mucus multiple times a day, there are still scabs that I m coughing up. I called my ENT/surgeon and now he says he believes my problem has nothing to do with getting my tonsils out... which is weird, because when I went in for my checkup, he said what I was experiencing was typical after getting a tonsillectomy .