Hi, I am 23yrs old and am having tenderness on and around my nipples. I am quite a complicated case, I have crohn s disease and have had a sub-totalcolectomy with ileostomi and then had that reversed, i also have POS (to which i have very irregular periods, sometimes not at all) and have been under fertility treatment with HCG injections , clomid and letrazole. I haven t been to the fertility clinic for about a year (due to the reversal) but me and my husband are as always not using protection. Of all the years, i have never conceived. I was due my period two weeks ago but nothing yet. I have had sore nipples before but on this occasion it s not only the tip of the nipples that are sore but around and inside (I cannot lay on my front because it s too painful) Also i must add that I got breast implants in 2007. I tested pregnancy about 3 weeks ago but was negative but now the tenderness and weight gain is making me think. Me and my husband don t want to test just yet as we ve had our hearts broken too many times and just want to wait. My breasts are definately a little swollen (more pert) than they have been and also I am putting weight on quite quickly. So I m just asking if these symptoms could be a result of anything else apart from pregnancy?