I have a pain above my R. eye, ON the R. side of the eyebrow bone . it feels as if I had injured or suffered a blow to this area, bit have NOT! The bone feels JUST as if it is ever-so-slightly swollen.. R. eye feels ever so slighltly different not pain, but I will describe it as full but not go as far as swollen. The slightest LIGHTEST finger pressure (moving eyebow hair only!) **increases the pain dramatically***! I have tried Duragesic 100 Mcg / Percocet 10-325 x #2-4, and Fioricet tab x #2-3. I get **NO RELIEF AT ALL*** from any of these Pain Meds - even in higher, non-standard doses.t I have Hx of CFS , FMS, CPS, - ALL related to a spinal cord/low back injury in 1986 t I do NOT believe this is my usual breakthrough pain because of the slight swelling, and *NONE* of these powerful Rxs have even touched this eye nome pain - Especially when palpated *gently* with a finger.just brushing the HAIR ON MY BROW BONE. Other Hx, MI x 4 with 3 stents placed ~ 1 through 7 years ago. No heart symptoms since 2007. Dx in 1977(chronic+ acute pericarditis .)-6 months! and again in 2009 (pericarditis..)+1-2 weeks with pericarditis. Since injury, also suffer from episodic migraines 15 days / month... I am a 56 y/o Male, with chronic LBP from a LB injury in 1986,(which triggered the CFS/FMS/CPS/ Etc.). LBP with radiculopathy in L. leg - to ankle. (L4-S1..initial injury but it has progressed to now involve entire spine (L.S. aqnd C spine) is involved including neck, with dec. ROM & pain. I habe had NO SURGERY. I am 100% disabled (since 1987) and spend 22/7 in bed b/c of pain, etc. I am disabled, and receive SSI in the state of GEORGIA. My Pain MGMT Dr is on vacation for 2.5 wks, and I do not feel this is serius enough to go to the ER (I HATE Hospitals!). ALL my SSI goes to either Rent or Meds. I cannot afford to see any Drs even though the co-pay is $3. Things are that bad...... So I beg for your reply. jeffmedin -a t- g m a i l Thank you so much for your compassion and understanding. It is truly appreciated. I hope this note finds you well.