hi, in your query, its my opinion may be your condition like a post traumatic neuropathy, implies
nerve pain that has come on either after an injury or as a consequence of medical interventions like surgery, injections, radiotherapy etc.
Symptoms are usually felt at the site of the injury, and also radiate away from the site in the normal distribution of the nerve involved.
Neuralgic quality pain (burning, shooting) associated with
hypersensitivity, numbness, tingling, and
muscle weakness depending on whether the nerve involved is purely sensory, purely motor, or mixed sensory / motor.
in your condition you may have a femoral neuralgia: Neuralgic symptoms often radiate from the groin into the front of the thigh and inner shin as far as the ankle. Weakness of the quadriceps muscles may cause giving way of the knee joint.
Treatments are:
Physical Therapy may be appropriate after an injury, but may be difficult due the presence of pain and sensitivity. A multi-disciplinary approach should be tried combining inputs from different specialities.
Topical agents like capsaicin used regularly 4 times day may help.
Lidocaine patches are also useful.
Somatic Nerve blocks on several occasions may help when a
peripheral nerve trunk is involved and is easily accessible. Permanent blocks with Phenol,
Cryotherapy, Radiofrequency lesions, are not advised as they may help initially, but may cause deafferentation pain afterwards, which is worse than the original problem. thanks