I have had a condition for over 15 years that started with the placement of a cap on my right front upper tooth. There was an immediate shooting pain from it and up the right side of my nose! I went away that weekend and had the most severe burning pain to the tip of my tongue whenever it would touch the back of my front teeth...which is always..and a burning, metallic taste. It was so severe that I made the dentist take the cap off. I tried and tried to find an answer by going to all kinds of doctors. Since then, I have replaced the cap with an implant, but no difference was experienced. I understand that it is just the perception of burning and taste, but it is very odd that I can draw this taste back through my mouth and swallow it. The burning sensation and taste is exascerbated if I have a fever and is almost unbearable. I also have idiopathic peripheral neuropathy and imagine this has something to do with that. what say you?