Just wondering if I am getting jerked around? I have been having pain on the right side kind of right under my breast , very quizzy, more so after I eat, back, shoulders and neck are just killing me and running a low grade fever every know and then. I have tried tums and zantac and nothing has worked. Had an ultrasound done and said it looks like there is a polyps or stones in/on my gallbladder . So they scheduled an HIDA scan, That showed that my gallbladder is working at about 60% and that there is stones. Know they want me to have a camera down my throat to look at my stomach for an ucler! But if that is negative they are going to remove my gallbladder. Should I get a second opinion? I feel there are just fishing! I don t know what they see that they think that I have an ulcer . I wish they would just take out my gallbladder!