HI, Almost overnight at the beginning of this year, the tops of my feet became so sore that I had to walk with a limp or not at all. I have had difficulty for over 18 months with not being able to lift my arms above my shoulders, and I have had pain in my hips and arms and wrists and knees that wakes me at night. The pain is worse in the morning and also gets worse when I sit or lay down for more than about 20 mins. The pain is mostly on both sides at the same time, and comes without warning. Some days I have pain in my feet and nowhere else, while the next day that pain has gone only to have appeared in another area, say my hips or arms. I have had tests for Rheumatoid Arthritis which were clear, and tests also showed I had osteo arthritis levels rising. I am almost 50 years old, and I have been advised to follow up the possibility of my symptoms as indicating Polymyalgia Rheumatica. Does this sound like what it could be and what is the treatment. Thanks, Rosetta