I am 44 years young female. I had a bunionectomy 6/23/10. I got a staphe infection and then a bone infection and was put on a picc line of nafacillin(sp?) 24 hours for 6 weeks. Meanwhile, I left the podiatrist and went to a very respected orthopaedic facility in princeton nj. numberous foot surgeries later and then 2 diff plates and then eventually fusion of 1st meditarsil bones along with new marrow and bone from hip, things are worse. My foot pain became worse than ever. Now my thoractic , cervical, and lumbar in back all have protrusions and bone disease . I was sent to pain management dr after rheum arthritis and numberous other things were ruled out and now the believe is a pain disorder such as crps. I am permanentally out of my teaching job and in process of waiting for early retirement disability , medicaid, etc. The pain management dr was rude with no bedside manner. He said a sympathetic nerve block for foot may take 3 injections. He refused to do a second since first never worked after anaethesia wore off. then he did epidural steroid in lumbar for lumbar pain. Worked 3 days and stopped and now hurts worse as does my foot. my pain is in right hand and wrist, and elbow, left foot, all back, and in last 2 mos in my ribs... that leads me to my question. It started when sleeping on my left I would wake with a feeling of severely bruised ribs and sharp heart pain if tried to breathe. Used to go away in about 5 minutes if I rolled to my rt side. however, getting worse. Yesterday pain lasted til 3Pm after waking at 6 am, bruised rib feeling stayed . today woke 4 am and while heart pain has gotten better I still feel heart pain under my ribs and of course ribs feel badly bruised under breast. Pain management dr refused to give any pain med in the 6 weeks I saw him. I obviously am not having a heart attack since only after sleeping on left and increasing last 2 mos. But do u think it could be related to crps?? Is there something else it could be. Only have tylenol and aspirin which taking currently for it but have been on alleve and advil too . Also have clonazapam I take sometimes to help sleep and wander if that could help during day for pain when it won t go away. ER does nothing cuz crps shows nothing in bloodwork, etc. Have not gone for left rib/heart pain though. ortho suggested my pain mngmnt dr but he discharged me!!!! Have new pain dr in 3 weeks. what should I do, what do you think problem is. Ortho will not give pain meds cuz believe pain managemnt job eventhough discharged. Foot worse every day. certain days new parts hurt than go away. sincerely, Desperately in Pain