hello megancassidycoyle,
heart disease if its congenital like rheumatic disease-
mitral stenosis,
mitral regurgitation,,
aortic stenosis, aortic regurgitation- compilants of dysponea on exeration, palpitation orthoponea,if any of them present then need- ECG,
ECHOcardiogram, heart attack usually occur in after 40 years in
ischemic heart disease , for this condition advice- regular excercise, avoid overweight, avoid high cholestrol diet like-butter, cheese, nonvegetable food -meats,chicken, egg- yellow part, fish can take in moderate amount,also avoid- stress, screening after 35 years for heart attack by - ECG,Echocardiogram, also monter cholestrol level particular LDL if its raised then take medication - HMGcoreducatase, ezetime, nictonic acid , tablets -Aspirin also reduce sudden death from heart attack ,hope my advice is useful to you, thank you.