well......your complains are quite limited which are indicative of "writer's cramp". would like to have li'l more history about you. whether you get pain only during writing or some other work too. If your problem is confined to writing only thn we can be sure about "task specific dystonia"
Writer's cramp is a type of
focal dystonia that is specific to the task. Dystonia is an involuntary, sustained
muscle contraction. Focal dystonia affects only one body part. Writer's cramp is the most common dystonia of the repetitive movement disorders.
as per you are hvng it for last 10yrs and that too untreated(i suppose)......
i advise you to rush to a neurophysician soon....
fewer advises from my side would be:
- Reducing the amount of writing. Use of a keyboard instead of a pen may help.
- There may be some benefit from using a wider pen(wider diameter).
- using a modified pen grip are sometimes beneficial.
- Treatment aimed at facilitating interdigit separation of digits 1, 2 and 3 may be beneficial.
- General relaxation exercises of hand, fingers and wrist.
All the best and take care!