I am a 61 year old female. I slipped and fell tonight and landed on my back. My husband tried to help me up, but it was too painful on my back for me to lean forward to try getting up. I had to roll over onto my stomach , then to my hands and knees, then stand, with my husband s help. Since the fall, I have to use a cane to move about. My pain is in my right side and waist level, extending around to my spine . When I am sitting, the pain is not as bad, but when I move about, it s bad. I was trying to show my husband where it hurt and touched a spot that made my legs give way and my husband caught me. Does this sound like a pulled muscle or something else? My left foot and ankle has swollen since my fall. I think my right foot went out from under me and I landed on my left knee before coming to rest on my back.