Welcome to HCM.
Is there any swelling of your scrotum? If there is scrotal swelling, then you may likely to have some surgical problem. If there is no obvious swelling, only dull ache pain, then we can think of the possibility of Epidymitis due to various reasons like,STD,
Filaria, TB or urinary infection etc.
The pain in your
perineum may likely to be posterior
urethritis or
prostatitis. These can be confirmed or ruled out by appropriate laboratory investigations.
Pain over back, buttock and back of thigh may likely to be due to some nerve compression due to some other lesions like cold
abscess or may be due to bony changes or erosion either due to HIV or even due to drugs.
Your treating physician will be able to guide you with appropriate remedies.
These do not mean that your illness is progressing. Just a part of disease or even not related.
Nothing to worry.
Wish you a speedy recovery.
Dr S.Murugan