Hi There
I am 17 years of age...and recently i have been getting slight pains in my pelvis and scrotum, i cant pin point it out...it kinda changes position every time. It started just about a few days ago. I have just recently started intensive running and push up and sit up programs, I'm not sure if that's the reason why i might be getting these pains. When i feel my balls... i do feel a bit of a lump on there but I've had that since, as long as i can remember. Its hard to describe, its not really a pain, its more of a hot sought of tingle in my scrotum. I don't have to like stop and hold my scrotum or pelvis when the ''pains'' come, i more just notice that's its there and carry on with what i was doing. please can you share some light on what I'm going through...if its normal for guys or not! and then also maybe things i can try do, or take that will help with it.
Thanks a lot for doing these things, much appreciated!
Andrew George