You are suffering from chronic
epididymitis. That means that you have infection + inflammation of
epididymis. Now it has become bigger in size and painful on touch. Associated with this you have pain in the lower back, hip and at the top of the right testis. Testis gets its blood and Nerve supply from the abdomen via the inguinal region. Associated with this supply a tube like structure called vas deferens is there, which transfer the sperm from the epididymis. Through vas deference the epididymis has a connection with
urethra and
prostate. So infection can spread in either way.
This may be the reason for the pain in the lower back, hip and at the top of the right testis.
low back pain may be due to the epididymitis / epididymo
orchitis or it may be a different entity.
Urine culture and sensitivity, USG abdomen KUB area and an Echo scan of the affected testis will be helpful to ascertain the amount of involvement of the epididymis and testis.
Treat the cause and keep the
scrotum comfortably - you will be alright.
1) Loose cotton inner wear
2) Prevention of both the testes from injury, heat
3) Antibiotic
4) Anti inflammatory drugs may relieve your symptoms
If the treating Doctor feels the lower back ache is a different entity it owns to be investigated and treated
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Regards and best wishes