Hello, I have had pain in both big toes, achilies, wrist and ankles. I do not have gout . I have had blood work that show know rheumatoid factor but I have a high SED and the doctors seems stumped besides for saying it must be some sort of poly arthritis . I tend to feel that it may not be the case, but am open to the idea; however, when I gave up meat a few months ago all pain went away. Then went back to meat, i had the worst attack on my ankle and later my writst I ve ever had. My SED rate is 61 again. Is there any value in thinking it is food allergy? Also, with the pain in my ankle, wrist, could it be cardiovascular? I know if it s been a few moments and I take a deep breath I get a hollow, pain shooting in my wrist and forearm . What could that be?