I ve had pain under my right rib, towards my back. Slight (but not annoying) pain in my centre chest . I ve been like this for nearly a week now but for the last 4 days I ve been throwing up (dark brown what looks like coffee or tobacco) not much but also been off food for the last 3 days so assume it s to do with not having anything in my stomach . I could be too cold and shiver with my teeth clattering and soon after be extremely hot and sweating. I have a bad pain in the back of my head and the right side close to the temple, I can touch my chest with my chin . My urine has been dark with a bad odour. I went to the doctors and he told me I had a urinery infection but could possibly be bleeding from the stomach. He didn t seem too bothered like most doctors I see these days, faster you re in, faster you re out. I ve been feeling like this for a few days and really want to get rid of it ASAP but need proper advice. Thanks. I m a 22 year old female 5 5, 8st 9lb Mild drinker, mild smoker