~I am 34 years old, female and weigh 50kg and I have had pain in the right side of my abdomen for approximately 18 months to two years, I had very heavy bleeding during my cycle and the pain was unbarable and about a year ago I had a mirena coil fitted to ease the bleeding,(I have two children 5 and 9 and have had my tubes tied) and the pain. The pain did not go away and since then my hair has been falling out I am tired all the time I am moody I was told that I had nothing wrong with my feminie parts, and was diagnosed with IBS, the pain is not a cramp pain, and it is in the same place everytime, it feels like an appendix pain and when really sever it feels like it runs down the front of my right leg. the pain is always there, but some days it is difficult to walk. I am waiting for a Barium ex-ray, but I am concerned what should I do