Thanks for the query to H.C.M. Forum.
If I were your treating doctor for this case of severe case of
chest pain on the left side rib cage , I would come up with these possibilities , these includes.
Pleural effusion , diagnosis can be confirmed by chest X ray . As recurrence of pleurisy is very common , if proper precaution is not taken as in your case ( you mentioned that still you are a smoker).
2 Next possibility may be due to
peptic ulcer disease , as pain is centralized only one portion and this may be due to
acute gastritis . As sometimes patient feels breathlessness in acute gastritis . Diagnosis can be confirmed by upper G I endoscopy . Avoid greasy , spicy foods , alcohol, drinks with caffeine in them , smoking. Also take some antacid ,but if symptoms are severe you may need drugs like
proton pump inhibitors.
3 Consolidation of left lung , diagnosis can be confirmed by X ray chest.
In my opinion consult a physician and get his opinion.
Good luck. Dr.HET