Since Saturday morning I have had an annoying/somewhat painful irritation in the upper back area of my throat on the right side. It feels like the area is simply just dry, and scratchy but this has now gone on for a few days. The pain has not gotten any worse really, but has also not subsided. I tried looking in my mouth a few times to see if i could see anything, and today I figured out that it appears I may have a swollen right Tonsil . This is based on a diagram of the mouth, and where exactly I am feeling the pain (when I looked which was before I saw the diagram, I could pinpoint the pain location). Then when comparing that to the diagram it made sense that it was a single tonsil. The most pain I experience is when I swallow . Otherwise the pain is very, very minimal and is really just an annoyance. The only other symptom is some light pressure in my right ear.