Hello, I have had pale tan stool for the last 4 days (3 movements) now. I was sick ealier this week for about 3 days when it started (body pains, slight fever, cosntant pressure headache) but the sickness has passed and I have felt ok for the last 2 days but the stool color has not changed. My diet has not changed. I am taking blood pressure and cholesterol medications (Atacand and Crestor) and recently (about the last 3 months or so) started taking vitamins (Vit D 1000iu, Vit C 500mg, Glucosumine with Vit D 1500mg and 200iu respectively, Vit B 100 complex B 1/2/3/6 100mg 100mcg B12 and other stuff, Calcium 1000mg with Magnesium 500mg +D3 15mcg, Cod liver oil Vit A 2500iu and 5mcg D3, and Wild Salmon and Fish oils 1000mg of fish oils from anchovies, sardine and/or mackerel 180mg of EPA and 120mg of DHA ) I have had slightly elevated levels in my liver tests in the past to the point of the doctor cutting my crestor medication in half. My doctor moved away from my home town and I have not had a blood test in about two years now so I am a little concerned with the sudden change in stool color that seems to not be going away. I have an appointment to see a family doctor in 3 days and will likely get blood work done then but in the mean time I am wondering if I should be putting a stop to my vitamins until after the results come back as I am not sure if they could be taxing my liver and doing me more harm then good atm? To go along with my liver issues I have often tested low for Vit D and am currently living in Fort McMurray where we are getting very little sunlight at this time of year. Any advice you could give me would be most appreciated.