Last night my partner had some very odd symptoms occur. Hence I write to you now to get some information please! She is 26 years old. She was in the bathroom last night and vomit rose into her mouth. She felt ok, and we had dinner. She then said her legs felt shaky and said that she had a feeling as if she was panicking. She said a good example of how she felt was when she found out she was pregnant 3 years ago, that sort of shock/panic, if you follow me... However she wasn't panicking last night, she was lying on the sofa (!) Hope that makes sense. She said her heart was beating much quicker than normal and her BPM was 116. So slightly raised. This then passed after 20 mins and went back to a normal-ish 75.... She smokes, not a massive amount. Doesn't drink much at all to be honest, so I am confused. This morning she says her legs still feel shaky. What is going on?! A message back would be much appreciated . Thanks. James