Hi , welcome to healthcare magic
The pain can be as a result of more stones or due to the
urinary tract infection. Urinary tract infection can be associated with pain in the lower abdomen as well as pain in the side of the abdomen if it has extended to the kidneys.
To determine the exact cause you may need to have an
ultrasound of the abdomen and pelvis to see if there are any other stones in the renal tract.
You need to speak to your doctor to determine the chemical compostion of the stone that was passed earlier because based on that you could change your diet to reduce the chances of reoccurence.
To prevent future stone formation you need to: drink copious fluids
(1) if your stone was made up of calcium
oxalate increasing fluid intake of citrate rich fluids such as lemonade or orange juice will help
(2)limit sodium intake to less than 2300mg a day (1 tsp)
(3) have a calcium intake of about 1000 mg to 1200mg
(4)limit intake of animal protein to less than 2 meals a day if it was a uric acid stone
(5)limit intake of foods with alot of oxalate such as spinach, strawberries,nuts, cocoa,dark chocolate
I hope this helps