Im 26 years old and have a problem with my lips peeling for about 5 years now. I know some of on here are having the same problem and dont know what is causing this or what can help our situation. I have been to many doctors in many states and none of them have been able to cure, help, or take serious action twords my problem. This is very frustrating for me, and I feel that my life is on hold. My problem started when I was 20. One day I stepped out of the shower and noticed my lips were macerated(soaked). They outer skin was white and fragile. Not knowing what this was I started touching them and rubbing them and the skin started to peel off. There was no blood or pain. Many of you have had other symptoms that were noticeable such as red patches and stuff, but I never had any warning. Anyways, I thought what ever peeled off would just heal itself in a day or two and that never happened. Now every time the skin begins to heal it gets wet from saliva , eating, showering,(your basic everyday living conditions) and peels. I ve been to many dermatologists and I ve been to their GRAND ROUNDS were I was put on display for other doctors to look at and come up with a solution for my problem. They were baffled. I ve been on every cortosteriod(topical and liquids, every stength) aquaphor, prednosone, valtrex, Ive had biopsy s(forgive my spelling) and they show nothing wrong. Doctors are stunned and dont know what to do. This is a very serious matter but because there are so few of us that have this I dont think there is any funding to cure our problem. As far as me and my doctors knew I was the first person to have this .