hi i met a girl at the club that i know for school, we dance and got drunk. later on we went to brothers house. she gave me oral (i didn t in return), i remember have putting on a condom that i never used before which was extra thin Trojans (in a grey box), we had sex for a long time she said she was get dry, i ask if i can keep going cause i didn t relieve my self. she said YES,so i kept going. There was a little friction. But, like i said i was drunk. i was almost the til the condom slipped off. since i was in the zone i went in with one (condom) relieve me self passed out. when i woke up my penis hurt in burn a little. i knew it was from the the friction so i but coco butter on it, next day it was it red in when it touch on clothes it hurt a little, couple of days later it started itching, then the red mark that i believe to be a friction mark became a dark color. still itched a little, but this time the middle of my penis where the head is at became scaly, and dry like when you touch it. so i put some itch lotion it keep my penis moisture and less itchy. its been almost a month and it s still itchy, and it looks like it got worst. i mean theres like more dark marks, and red spots. i look online and there was three suggestion that i might be yesat infection, candida balantis or genital warts ( i m scar as hell if its any of those or herps).... PLEASE HELP ME OUT BEFORE IT GO TO THE HOSPITAL?????